Wednesday 3 April 2013

Alan Gordon Thomas is an innocent man and has been persecuted by the NZ Judicial and ACC systems.

Douglas Weal committed  perjury in order that Mr Thomas could be successfully prosecuted for a bomb plot, called the Takapuna Bomb plot. A plot so ridiculous that it should have been laughed out of court. However, Mr Thomas has upset many in the judicial system and this was seen by many as payback time.

There have been several members of the bulletin board who have joined in an online pack mentality of harassing, stalking and intimidating Alan Thomas, whom they have also defamed. These people are Kenneth Miller (aka Tomcat), Mark Davis (aka Freefallnz and Mark), Douglas Weal (aka Southernman and Bart), Fran van Helmond (aka Blurb, popeye and redfox, NOT a Malingerer), Claire Hollis (aka Mini) and Janice Karaka-Clarke (aka Hukildaspida)

Alan Thomas was also convicted of fraud after ACC started a campaign by using Private Investigators to do a hatchet job on him.

Alan Thomas is currently under attack from, a website owned by Fran van Helmond ably helped out by Mark Davis and accforum members angryman, NTV, Unit1of2, Jaffa and Dragonblade.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Cant be innocent as he was found guilty first for fraud and then for the Bomb Plot.......... well that's the reasonining of the courts

